Audience: Teacher Supervisors
- 2024-2025 Deaf Education Administration Leadership (DEAL) Virtual Office Hours - Virtual
- 2024-2025 Itinerant Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Network Meetings - Virtual
- 2024-2025 Regional Day School for the Deaf Supervisor Network Meetings
- 2024-2025 Regional Day School for the Deaf Supervisor Network Meetings - Virtual
- 2024-2025 Tarrant County Auditory Services Collaborative (TCASC) Meetings - Virtual
- Abydos Learning: Three-Day Literacy Workshop
- Birth to Age Three: DHH & BVI Virtual Networking Meeting - Virtual
- Braille Talk: Tactile Graphics and Braille Production - Virtual
- Coaching PLCs in Early Childhood - Virtual
- Connecting Reading and Writing in the ELAR Classroom (3-12)
- D/HH Inclusion: Serving Students Who Are Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing in the General Education Setting - Online
- ESC Region 11 Certification Programs Annual Advisory Meeting
- Exploratory Emporium: A STEAM Day for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
- GT 30 Core Series - Course 1: Nature and Needs of Gifted/Talented Students (NN)
- GT 30 Core Series - Course 2: Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students (ID)
- GT 30 Core Series - Course 3: Models of Differentiated Instruction (MD)
- GT 30 Core Series - Course 4: Creativity and Critical Thinking for Gifted/Talented Students (CCT)
- GT 30 Core Series - Course 5: Engaging Gifted Students by Adding Depth and Complexity (DC)
- GT Update - Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP) Level 1
- Hidden Figures: Understanding the Process for Identifying Migrant Students - Online Course 24-25 - Online
- Impact Coaching
- Listening and Spoken Language: Integrating Strategies for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Into the Home and School Environments - Virtual
- Online GT 30 Core - Series Course 1: Nature and Needs of Gifted/Talented Students (NN) - Online
- Online GT 30 Core Series - Course 2: Identification and Assessment of Gifted/Talented Students (ID) - Online
- Online GT 30 Core Series - Course 3: Models of Differentiated Instruction (MD) - Online
- Online GT 30 Core Series - Course 4: Creativity and Critical Thinking for Gifted/Talented Students (CCT) - Online
- Online GT 30 Core Series - Course 5: Engaging Gifted Students by Adding Depth and Complexity (DC) - Online
- Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) for Reading Language Arts (RLA) 1-Day Session
- Solution-Based Learning
- STAAR Testing Procedures and Accommodations for Students with Visual Impairments: A Q&A and Guidance Session - Virtual
- TRS Retirement Seminar