Teaching Self-Regulation: Instructional Activities that Foster Independent, Proactive Students - 33198

Do your students lack confidence? Do they have difficulty getting to school or work on time? Do they have trouble regulating their behaviors or responses to emotions? In this workshop, you’ll learn simple, research-based strategies that increase students’ self-regulation. You will also receive the book "Teaching Self-Regulation: 75 Instructional Activities to Foster Independent, Proactive Students" and a personalized 30-minute coaching conversation with the author. This session is aligned with the Secondary Transition component of the TEA-required self-assessment and SPPI-13.

Schedule & Location
Teacher - High School (Grades 9-12), Teacher - Middle School (Grades 6-8), Teacher - Special Education, Transition Specialists to Transition Personnel, Charter School Personnel, Counselors, CTE (Career and Technical Education) Personnel, Teacher - General Education, VAC (Vocational Adjustment Coordinators)
Prerequisite/Special Notes
Early registration is encouraged. Registered participants will receive a free copy of "Teaching Self-Regulation: 75 Instructional Activities." Professional resources cannot be mailed after May 16, 2024. Register Early!
Session 0
Fee Please log in to see fees.
Seats Left

Registration Deadline
Credit Type
Duration 00:00


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