Your Student, My Student, Our Student: Collaboration for Inclusion - 31475

As educators, we strive to create inclusive environments that value diversity and promote equity. This can be challenging when working with students with diverse backgrounds, abilities, and needs. What does acceptance and understanding of diverse learner needs look like? How are special education placements made for the best outcome and growth for students? All students should receive the least-restrictive environmental support for access to the general curriculum for equal access in the school setting. Join us as we discuss and reimagine multiple collaborators included in the decision-making process to strengthen instruction and intervention efforts. This session is aligned with the FAPE, IEP Content, IEP Implementation, LRE, and Teachers & Staff components of the TEA-required self-assessment. This session is aligned with the Education Environments (School Age) components of the TEA-required self-assessment grid.

Schedule & Location
Teacher - Special Education, Assistant Principals, Charter School Personnel, Teachers-CTE, Instructional Leaders, Principals, Teacher - General Education
Session 0
Fee Please log in to see fees.
Seats Left

Registration Deadline
Credit Type
Duration 00:00


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