GoTeach11 Fundamentals of Teaching - 31963

This course provides GoTeach11 candidates with the information needed to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of teaching.

Schedule & Location
7/31/2023 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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8/31/2025 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
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Teacher Certification Candidate,
Prerequisite/Special Notes
Enrolled in the GoTeach11 Certification Program
This GoTeach11 alternative teacher certification course helps candidates understand child development and foundational instructional techniques as they relate to classroom instruction. This self-paced online course on Canvas equips candidates with the knowledge to apply these strategies effectively in their future teaching, ensuring success in the classroom and meeting Texas Education Agency (TEA) requirements for standard certification.
Session 58165
Fee None
Seats Left 43

Registration Deadline 8/31/2025
Credit Type Teacher Certification Program
Duration 20:00

Stephanie Norris ESC Region 11, Rebecca Wilder ESC Region 11

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Stephanie Norris

For assistance contact:

Stephanie Norris
Teacher Certification Specialist
(817) 740-7685

Rebecca Wilder

For assistance contact:

Rebecca Wilder
Certification Coach
(817) 740-3618