GoTeach11 Classroom Management, Part 1 Online - 29842

Candidates in the GoTeach11 Teacher Certification Program will take this introductory course on Classroom Management to lay the groundwork for more refined classroom management techniques to be presented in Part 2. Participants must be accepted to and enrolled in GoTeach11 Teacher Certification Program.

Schedule & Location
6/13/2022 - 8/31/2025
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Teacher Certification Candidate,
Prerequisite/Special Notes
Must be candidate in the GoTeach11Teacher Certification Program.
Updated Objective: GoTeach11 teaching candidates will explore T-TESS dimensions related to classroom management, establish classroom culture core values, brainstorm how to develop students’ social and emotional growth, and create a tiered behavior intervention for two students.
Session 55019
Fee None
Seats Left 42
T-TESS 1.3,2.1,2.3,2.4,2.5,3.1,3.2,3.3,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4

Registration Deadline 8/31/2025
Credit Type Continuing Professional Education
Duration 10:00
T-PESS 1B,2D,4D,5B

Stephanie Norris ESC Region 11, Jimmy Heffernan ESC Region 11

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Lance Silva

For assistance contact:

Lance Silva
Teacher Certification Coach
(817) 740-3680

Rebecca Wilder

For assistance contact:

Rebecca Wilder
Certification Coach
(817) 740-3618