Decision Making Guided by Data: An MTSS Implementation Series - 31661

District and campus problem-solving teams play a pivotal role in the development and implementation of processes and procedures designed to support the various needs of students. To succeed, teams must consider the importance of screeners and a robust data management system that supports improved learning conditions and outcomes for all students. Throughout this series, Dr. Thea Woodruff will guide teams through how to make decisions driven by data. Teams will examine current practices related to screening and data collection, the qualities of a robust data management system, and how teams use resources and information to guide decision making at the district and campus level.

Schedule & Location
Assistant Principals, Charter School Personnel, Instructional Leaders, Principals, Central Office Administrators, Coordinators, Directors, Teacher - General Education, Teacher - Special Education
Prerequisite/Special Notes
This series is designed for MTSS district and/or campus teams. Utilizing TIER recommendations for core MTSS team members, we recommend the following personnel attend: Team lead/Administrator, Data management Personnel, Content Specialists, Tier 2/3 Interventionists, and/or Special Populations Personnel
Understand how to use data to drive decision-making.
Session 0
Fee Please log in to see fees.
Seats Left

Registration Deadline
Credit Type
Duration 00:00


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