Bluebonnet Learning: (K-2 RLA) Science Integrations - 34775

Join ESC Region 11 as we dig in to the science topic integrations in the K-2 RLA Bluebonnet Learning curriculum. Learn how K-2 Bluebonnet Learning units incorporate three-dimensional learning through integrated science content, investigations, embedded CER opportunities, and model development.

Schedule & Location
5/19/2025 8:30 am - 11:30 am
ESC Region 11
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Assistant Principals, Instructional Coaches/Support Specialists, Principals, Teacher - Elementary (Grades 1-5), Teacher - General Education, Central Office Administrators, Teacher Certification Candidate
Given the K-5 RLA Bluebonnet Learning science topic integrations tool, teachers and campus leader will collaboratively analyze and explore implementation strategies for science content and activities to enhance three dimensional learning in their Bluebonnet Learning science lessons.
Session 61935
Fee Please log in to see fees.
Seats Left 30
T-TESS 1.1,1.4,2.1,2.2,4.3

Registration Deadline 5/19/2025
Credit Type Continuing Professional Education
Duration 03:00

Monica Amyett, Ph.D. ESC Region 11

Monica Amyett

For assistance contact:

Monica Amyett
Instructional Content Coach Science

Jana Herrera

For assistance contact:

Jana Herrera