What You Need to Know about an IEP/ARD Meeting for Special Education Teachers - 31611

Preparing for and navigating an IEP/ARD meeting can be overwhelming at times. Determining how to prepare for the meeting, what to expect during the meeting, and your responsibilities after the meeting can be a challenge. During this session, participants will acquire knowledge about their legal and procedural obligations as it relates to the development of IEP content and implementation of the IEP. Special education teachers are required members of the IEP team; therefore, it is important that they are able to communicate and collaborate with other members of the IEP team to ensure that all students have access to supports and services to prepare them for the future. This session is aligned with the IEP Content, Development, and Implementation component(s) of the TEA-required self-assessment.

Schedule & Location
Charter School Personnel, Teacher - Special Education, Assistant Principals, Coordinators, Instructional Leaders, LSSP (Licensed Specialist in School Psychology), Occupational Therapists, Paraprofessionals, Principals, Psychologists, Speech Therapists, Teacher Supervisors
Participants will know their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an ARD meeting. Participants will understand how to ensure the IEP is being implemented as well as key questions to ask general education teachers. Participants will explore tools and strategies to use to ensure implementation of the IEP.
Session 0
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Registration Deadline
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Duration 00:00


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