2024 CTE Expert to Expert: Connecting Industry Practitioners to Educators Summit - 31575
Join us for this exciting Career and Technical Education Collaboration for teachers, administrators, and counselors. This professional learning opportunity will focus on connecting the classroom to industry needs, exploring labor market information, building strong industry partnerships, engaging industry in rural communities, and more! This event will embed our Regional Advisory Board Meeting.
Directors, Industry/Business/Community Leaders, Teacher - High School (Grades 9-12), Teacher - Middle School (Grades 6-8), Title I, Part C, Migrant SSA Members, CTE (Career and Technical Education) Personnel
By attending this event, teachers, administrators, and counselors will be able to engage industry partners in rural communities and develop effective strategies to overcome challenges related to geography and transportation. They will be able to identify resources and tools available to them for engaging industry and other stakeholders, and apply best practices to their own CTE programs. Participants will also be able to share their experiences and insights with other educato
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