Title 1, Part A Set-Aside – What your Homeless Program Needs to Know - South - 34617
This workshop will provide homeless liaisons, administrators, and school support staff with a comprehensive understanding of the vital role that Title I, Part A and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act play in supporting children and youth experiencing homelessness. Participants will gain insights into how Title I, Part A funding can be utilized effectively to ensure that students in homeless situations receive the academic support and resources they need to succeed. By the end of this workshop, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate Title I, Part A set-aside funding, ensuring that their homeless education programs are well-supported and effectively addressing the needs of homeless students.
McKinney-Vento, Business Personnel, Central Office Administrators, Federal Program Directors/Coordinators
Prerequisite/Special Notes
Homeless liaisons and LEA administrators will examine the importance of Title I, Part A funding and explore methods for calculating, allocating, and utilizing set-aside funds to address the needs of homeless children and youth.
Seats Left
Registration Deadline
2/7/2025 12:00 am
Credit Type
Continuing Professional Education
Anna Lee ESC Region 11, Lesley Cathey ESC Region 11, Tori Sisk ESC Region 11
For assistance contact:
Anna Lee
(817) 740-7727
For assistance contact:
Lesley Cathey
TEHCY Team Lead
(817) 740-7709
Offered Again On
- 2/6/2025 9:00 am
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