Title I, Part A Program Elements for LEAs and Schoolwide Campus Leaders - 34256

ESSA Section 1114 outlines the required elements for a Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program. This session will present an overview of the three key elements: Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA), Schoolwide Program Plan/Campus Improvement Plan (CIP), and Evaluation of Program Effectiveness. This session will provide critical information for both district-level ESSA grants staff and campus leaders on Title I, Part A schoolwide campuses. Participants are encouraged to have a copy of their current CNA, CIP, and latest program evaluation to reference throughout the session. It is recommended to have LEAs and/or campuses attend with teams.

Schedule & Location
3/20/2025 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
ESC Region 11
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Federal Program Directors/Coordinators, Central Office Administrators, Principals
Participants will understand, analyze, and apply the three key elements (CNA, CIP, and the latest program evaluation) to enhance their campus strategies by identifying root causes and prioritizing needs toward student success.
Session 61224
Fee None
Seats Left 42

Registration Deadline 3/19/2025 12:00 am
Credit Type Continuing Professional Education
Duration 06:00

Indhira Salazar ESC Region 11

Indhira Salazar

For assistance contact:

Indhira Salazar
Federal Programs Administrator Coach
(817) 740-7716

Griselda Antu

For assistance contact:

Griselda Antu
Federal Program Technician
(817) 740-7567