American Welding Society - AWS Advanced Teacher Certification Class - 33376

This face-to-face training will be held off site at a welding lab and is for teachers who have already completed the basic training through AWS. The class will consist of: - Instructor demonstrations of all TEA welder testing joints (AWS SENSE and CW have additional requirements) - Teacher practice, testing, and certification of AWS D1.1, AWS D9.1, ASME and API welder Qual Tests - AWS Certified Welder Testing and radiography (X-ray) of welded connections - Teacher training on how to administer, submit, view, and interpret welder qualification testing docs. - AWS D1.1 Fillet weld break test and V-Groove with/without backing. - Weld Inspection of D1.1 welds, breaking and bending of welded joints. - Review documentation required and interpretation of advanced IBCs. Requirement: Bring your own welding helmet and gloves to the training. Dress appropriately to be in both a classroom and welding lab setting.

Schedule & Location
CTE (Career and Technical Education) Personnel, Teachers-CTE, Title I, Part C, Carl D Perkins Grant SSA Members
Prerequisite/Special Notes
Requirement: Bring your own welding helmet and gloves to the training. Dress appropriately to be in both a classroom and welding lab setting.
Instructor demonstrations of all TEA welder testing joints (AWS SENSE and CW have additional requirements) - Teacher practice, testing, and certification of AWS D1.1, AWS D9.1, ASME and API welder Qual Tests - AWS Certified Welder Testing and radiography (X-ray) of welded connections - Teacher training on how to administer, submit, view, and interpret welder qualification testing docs.
Session 0
Fee Please log in to see fees.
Seats Left

Registration Deadline
Credit Type
Duration 00:00


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